If you are thinking about rebuilding or don’t know what you want to do, please reach out and let us advise you for no charge and no expectation as we want to see the community we love return. This is only valid if you contact us before any cleanup or demo has begun. (626) 676-8066
We will be updating this page as we get more information to help you as well.
Currently, the Planning department is saying you can rebuild in the old footprint of your home regardless of new setback rules (A setback is the distances the building is from the property lines). The Building department says the new build will need to comply with new building codes (one of those things is that you cannot have a wood burning fireplace, so don’t demolish those chimneys until some final answers after appeals can be made).
We feel it is important to maintain your foundations in their current condition and reject any offers to clear the land removing existing foundations. Demolition of the foundations, if required, at very least needs to be done after you have site plans showing the existing locations so you can maintain your entitlement based on the footprints of your structures.
Surveying in Altadena is difficult, yet another reason to maintain existing foundations until plans are drawn up.
RELIEF Good site with lots of sources. directly helping the Altadena businesses.
Lawyer Robert Risley (626) 397-2745 will be suing for individuals to meet whatever needs they have as many are seeking damages due to the fire. There is no fee until you get a settlement and they will get 25% of the recovered funds for their services. He says that the judge will make a decision on all the amounts submitted and then it will be split up. Please contact them for more information so you are included in the general payout of damages.